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Consumer issues which are now attracting attention

Part 1 : Trend in consumer issues and consumer's attitude / behavior
Chapter 1 : Results of information gathering and analysis on consumer accidents
Section 3 : Overview of consumer affairs consultations
Section 4 : Consumer issues which are now attracting attention

Consumer issues which are now attracting attention

  • When focusing on proportions of different sales / purchase patterns in themes of consultation, proportion of "mail order sales" decreased, which had increased in 2020 due to COVID-19.
  • Among consultations on "mail order sales", the number of consultations regarding "internet shopping" decreased. Number of consumer affairs consultations that had some connection to social networking service (SNS) continued to increase.

Changes in the proportions of different sales / purchase patterns in consumer affairs consultations

Transition of the number of consumer affairs consultations regarding

Transition of the number of consumer affairs consultations related to SNS

(Note) All diagrams are created based on consumer affairs consultations registered with PIO-NET (as of March 31, 2022).