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Measures for supporting the independence of the youth

Part 1 : Trends in consumer issues and consumers' attitude/behavior
Chapter 3 : [Feature] Consumption by the youth
Section 3 : Measures for supporting the independence of the youth

Use of the "comedy" and "Internet," activities by the youth themselves, etc.

  • Various actors such as local governments are implementing measures on consumer education specifically for the youth, regarding the consumer problems they face. Such measures include the following:
    • -Measures using "comedy" or the "Internet"
    • -Measures considering the times when their environment changes, such as when they graduate from high school and become members of society
    • -Measures initiated by the youth themselves, including high school or university students
    • -Cases of the employing experts on consumer education in local regions, who connect consumer administration with schools
  • There is a cooperation among the local governments, etc., where they receive consultations on consumer affairs by the youth.

Figure Ⅰ-3-3-3 Special site: "Knock out bad guys with comedy!" Figure Ⅰ-3-3-15 Website introducing the activities of young creators of a living