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Evaluation and issues on the activities to date

Part 1 : [Feature] 10 Years of the Consumer Affairs Agency and Consumer Commission - Consumer Policy's Development and Future Prospects-
Chapter 2 : 10 years of the Consumer Affairs Agency and Consumer Commission
Section 4 : Evaluation and issues on the activities to date

Evaluation on consumer policy from consumer's attitude

  • Positive evaluation on many categories, including "Trust on consultation offices", with regard to the environment that surrounds consumers (consumer policy's subject). However, problems still exist in "Information spreading and education."

[Figure 55] Environment that surrounds consumers
PDF [Figure 55]

  • Awareness on all major activities by the Consumer Affairs Agency increased.
  • Some activities have high awareness and evaluation, but some remain at a low standard. We must make activities by the Consumer Affairs Agency known to more consumers through effective information spreading and PR.

[Figure 56] Activities by the Consumer Affairs Agency known to consumers

[Figure 57] Evaluation on activities by the Consumer Affairs Agency