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Details of implementation of consumer policy

Part 2 Chapter 2 : Details of implementation of consumer policy

Part 2 Chapter 2 focuses on the results of policies implemented in FY2017, including those carried out by related ministries

Section 1 Ensuring of the safety of consumers

  1. Working towards accident prevention
  2. Information collection of consumer accidents & preventing their occurrence/spread
  3. Accurate and quick cause investigations of accidents & preventing reoccurrence
  4. Ensuring food safety

Section 2 Enhancement of labelling and ensuring of trust

  1. Raising public awareness about the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, and its strict enforcement
  2. Familiarizing & improving fair labelling of products and services
  3. Providing accurate information in food labelling, and strict enforcement of related laws and regulations

Section 3 Actualization of proper transactions

  1. Strict enforcement & revisions of cross-products/services laws and regulations
  2. Fair purchases of products and services
  3. Fair purchases meeting the advancement of ICT
  4. Preventing and cracking down on crime including fraud
  5. Appropriate standards & measurements

Section 4 Formation of a society in which consumers can make a choice and take action by themselves

  1. Ensuring transparency in consumer policies and reflecting consumer opinions
  2. Promoting consumer education
  3. Facilitating & supporting voluntary efforts by consumer groups, businesses and their associations
  4. Fair & free competition and ensuring appropriateness of fair utility rates
  5. Promoting environmentally conscious consumption behavior and business activities

Section 5 Establishment of frameworks for consumer relief system and protecting their interests

  1. Consumer relief and facilitating the resolution of consumer complaints and disputes
  2. Protecting and promoting consumers' interests meeting the development of an advanced information and communication society
  3. Protecting and promoting consumers' interests adapted to globalization of consumer life

Section 6 Establishment of the consumer administration systems of the national and local governments

  1. Enhancing and strengthening administrative organization of the state
  2. Structural development at local level