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Formation of a society in which consumers can make a choice and take action by themselves

Part 2 : Implementation of consumer policy
Chapter 1 : Major consumer policy at the Consumer Affairs Agency
Section 5 : Formation of a society in which consumers can make a choice and take action by themselves

78 business operators released "Voluntary Declaration of Consumer Orientation."

  • In order to widely promote consumer-oriented management, a "consumer-oriented management promotion organization (platform)" that consists of business associations, consumer groups and administrative bodies such as the Consumer Affairs Agency was established in October 2016.
  • Conduct nationwide promotions such as "voluntary declaration of consumer-orientation and follow-up activities". At the end of March 2018, 78 business operators have released a voluntary declaration.
  • "Awarding best practices in the consumer-oriented management" started in FY2018.

Figure Ⅱ-1-5-7 The voluntary declaration of consumer orientation and follow-up activities

Figure Ⅱ-1-5-8 The examples of the voluntary declaration of consumer orientation

Promote the establishment of the point of contact for whistleblowers in municipalities and in businesses.

  • Some results were obtained after the Whistleblower Protection Act was enforced in April 2006, but the point of contact for whistleblowers in small municipalities and in small and medium-sized enterprises was not arranged sufficient.
  • As an advanced initiative (model project) through the "new future creation project," the Consumer Affairs Agency promoted the establishment of the point of contact for whistleblowers by cooperating with Tokushima prefecture and municipalities in the prefecture.
  • The point of contact for whistleblowers have been 100% established in all the municipalities in Tokushima prefecture by October 2017.

Figure Ⅱ-1-5-11 The situation regarding the establishment of the point of contact for whistleblowers in municipal, town and village offi ces (by prefecture)