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Establishment of frameworks for consumer relief system and protecting their interests

Part 2 : Implementation of consumer policy
Chapter 1 : Major consumer policy at the Consumer Affairs Agency
Section 6 : Establishment of frameworks for consumer relief system and protecting their interests

Enforcement of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Civil Court Proceedings for the Collective Redress for Property Damage Incurred by Consumers.

  • The Act on Special Measures Concerning Civil Court Proceedings for the Collective Redress for Property Damage Incurred by Consumers came into effect (October 1, 2016) to allow the collective recovery of the damages that commonly occurred to a considerable number of consumers.
  • A Specified Qualified Consumer Organization (see Note) will act as the plaintiff to proceed with the two-stage litigation system.
  • In order to achieve an even more effective operation of consumer organization litigation system, amendments to the law and other necessary measures were taken.

Figure Ⅱ-1-6-1 Two-stage litigation system

(Note) Specified Qualified Consumer Organizations are qualified consumer organizations (15 organizations as of April 2017) certified by the Prime Minister as those capable of proper performance on the court proceedings for consumer damage recovery.

Promotion of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations in September 2015 with the purpose of realizing a society where "no one will be left behind." These universal goals are described to be achieved by both developed and developing countries by 2030.
  • In Japan, the "SDGs Promotion Headquarters", headed by the Prime Minister was established, and the "SDGs Implementation Guiding Principles" was formulated based on specifying priority issues from Japan's domestic and international efforts.
  • The Consumer Affairs Agency is involved in:
    • ◆Research on ethical consumption, etc.
    • ◆Promoting public awareness of ethical consumption (e.g. holding an "Ethical Lab" in local regions)
    • ◆Expansion of the national campaign to reduce food loss "NO-FOODLOSS PROJECT"
    • ◆Development of the "Project for Child Injury Prevention", etc.

Figure Ⅱ-1-6-6 Sustainable Development Goals (Source: United Nations Information Centre)